3D Printing



3D Printing


The mission of the SESO Technology department is to provide students the resources necessary to use technology as a tool to achieve their educational goals. Through the appropriate integration of new and emerging technology, the SESO Technology department will provide students the resources and opportunities to create transformative and innovative learning environments to achieve the educational goals and objectives set by Southwestern Educational Society's Strategic Plan.

Support students by promoting the use of educational technologies in a dynamic learning environment as a means of enhancing student learning, and make lifelong learning accessible to all students.

If you are interested in learning more about Robotics, the After School Technology Program its the chance you've been waiting for. 

It starts at the beginning of each school semester (one class per week):

  • Robotics lessons for Upper Elementary School are all Wednesdays (from 2:30-3:30 pm)
  • Middle and High school lessons are all Thursdays  (from 2:30-3:30 pm)
  • Place: High School Computer Lab.
  • Grades: 5 and up.


  • All Wednesdays Robotics lessons: 15 classes per semester, $20 each class = $150 per semester.

  • All Thursdays Robotics lessons: 15 classes per semester, $20 each class = $150 per semester. 

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